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As a consumer, you probably don't realise how much you are missing out on if you live in the UK, or other EU countries.

Do you realise that some movies take over 6 months to be released on DVD in this country?

Did you know that some movies are still on at the cinema in this country whilst you can buy a perfectly legitimate US imported DVD of the same movie?

Do you realise how many news and other current affairs are restricted by government-controlled tv and satellite companies?

Do you realise that many console games never make it to the UK market at all?

Our Heavenly Products allow you to find a way around all the consumer restrictions and have the products you want when you want them; not when the advertising executives and marketeers decide that a market is ready for them.

We accomplish this by providing special machines (e.g. motorised satellite dishes) or customising your existing equipment (e.g. multi-region dvd players and the customising of playstations), to allow you to play products regardless of the geographical market which they were intended for.

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